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Tips on Contacting Your Elected Officials
Be courteous and polite. Write in a simple, natural, pleasing style. |
Don't be abusive, threaten, or write anonymous communications — this approach is ignored and hurts the cause. |
Call your representative at the Capitol or at work. If you cannot reach them there, try their home numbers at reasonable times. You can also send them an e-mail or arrange a personal visit at the Capitol. |
Communications should be brief and to the point. Provide your name, address, phone, and e-mail. Be sure to mention the name and number of the bill. Keep a copy for your records. |
Focus on the reasons why you are concerned about the legislation. Use a separate paragraph for each reason. |
Use personal experiences because they are the most persuasive component for letters and calls. |
Show that you are well informed and research the issue. |
Concentrate on the health issue and don't moralize. |
Request a reply, and ask your representative how they plan to vote. |
Follow through. Write or call again if you do not get a reply. Send a copy of your last communication and ask them why they have not responded. |
When you receive a reply, thank them and follow up with a response saying why you disagree or agree with the response. |
Inform your neighbors and coworkers about the legislation, forward action alerts, and urge them to contact their representatives. |
Write a letter to the editor about the legislation to local newspapers, websites, and blogs. |