Testimonials from Restaurant and Bar Owners |
Colfax Center Deli, Denver: Customers Should Smell the Food, Not the Smoke
I support and encourage Denver to adopt a smoke-free restaurant ordinance.
The Colfax Center Deli is a family restaurant, which opened in 1996. We do not permit smoking inside the restaurant, and there has been no impact on our business.
I truly believe that our smoke-free environment is an asset to our business, because:
Dealing with smoking and non-smoking sections is very difficult
It is impossible to truly protect a non-smoking section from smoke
We don't like smoke in restaurants – customers should smell food not smoke when dining.
Let’s create an ordinance that will provide cleaner restaurants and safer environments for its patrons.
Michael Roberts, Owner
Colfax Center Deli, 1510 Humboldt, Denver CO 80218