Testimonials from Restaurant and Bar Owners |
Pizzeria Colore, Denver: Safer Environment for All
We would like the City to adopt a smoke-free restaurant ordinance.
Pizzeria Colore Express opened seven years ago. We have always been smoke-free, and there has been no negative impact - in fact we have thrived. Would like to see everyone honoring the smoke-free status of our establishment throughout the City.
We have found that being smoke-free environment is good for business:
~ There is less clean-up and no burn holes in furniture or floors.
~ There is a clean, fresh smell for customers, especially important for business people returning to their offices.
~ We are safer from secondhand smoke.
~ There are no conflicts between smokers and nonsmokers.
Caroline Momo Torres, Co-Owner
Pizzeria Expresso, Denver
1647 Court Pl, 80202, 303-534-2111