The Colorado Breath Action Kit

The Breath Action Kit is packed with great information such as a sample letter, subscription information, and how to mobilize other workers. The Kit also provides you with valuable Tips for Working with Management.

Questions and Answers About Smoke-Free Laws

What does the State law say?

Colorado's state law requires most workplaces to be smoke-free and gives every employee the right to work in a smoke-free environment. Get more information about the 2019 Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act.

What about local laws?

Some smoke-free workplace local laws are tougher than the state law. For more information about local laws visit

What about other workplace laws?

Common law guarantees every employee the right to work in a safe work environment. However, obtaining enforcement of this law could require a lawsuit. The Americans With Disability Act may be used to file a complaint if you can provide medical proof that secondhand smoke harms you. You can file an anonymous complaint with OSHA and they will send a letter to your employer. To file a complaint, visit

Do smoking restrictions affect restaurant or bar sales?

Contrary to tobacco-industry claims, smoke-free policies do not adversely affect restaurant business and can sometimes even boost it, according to studies that use sales-tax data and sound research methods. Overall sales-tax revenues remain stable in places with smoke-free laws like Aspen, Boulder, Louisville, Montrose, Snowmass, and Telluride. Studies also show that hotel revenue and tourist volume remain stable. Even casino revenues have not been affected. See the casino and economic sections at

Why should I be concerned?

There is no safe exposure to secondhand smoke. Hospitality workers inhale the equivalent of one to two packs of cigarettes per day. Research indicates that workers exposed to secondhand smoke on the job are 50% more likely to get lung cancer. For the conclusions of the 2006 Surgeon General's report on secondhand smoke visit

Take Action

Stay up-to-date on the news and alerts on secondhand smoke and receive updates on efforts to protect your right to work in a smoke-free workplace.

Working towards creating a safe and healthy workplace free of tobacco smoke.