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Ways to Help Protect Yourself from Secondhand Smoke
- WRITE A LETTER. Let others know what it is like to work in a smoke-filled establishment. Help get the word out that you want to be protected from the hazards of secondhand smoke and to inform the public that all workers deserve to breathe clean air on the job! A sample letter is provided below, but your personal story will add spirit and individuality. Send the letter to your local newspaper, to state and local legislators, and to BREATH.
Sample Letter
I am writing to tell you what it is like to work in a smoke-filled restaurant.
I work an average of eight-hour shifts in a smoke-filled workplace and it is nothing like just going out and dining in a smoky environment. In fact, it is ten times worse because of all the toxic chemicals I breathe all day from tobacco smoke. It is taking a toll on my health and I have been experiencing breathing difficulties since I started working here.
Sincerely, Your name
- JOIN BREATH. It costs nothing and BREATH needs you. Together, workers can make a difference. Call 303-444-9799 for more information. Your involvement can be as minimal as adding your name to the mailing list or working with management or local legislators to gain support for making your workplace smoke-free. Even if you are not a hospitality employee or an entertainer, you can help work to make your favorite dining or drinking spot smoke-free.
- SPREAD THE WORD. Mobilize your own network of friends, relatives and fellow workers by asking them to take action with you. Distribute BREATH tip cards to your friends and coworkers and ask them to use one each time they go out. You can also raise the issue of smoke-free workplaces at meetings you attend.
- MOBILIZE YOUR EMPLOYER. Encourage your boss to make your workplace smoke-free. Look at the tips from managers for suggestions. Provide your employer with a local Smoke-Free Dining Guide or the list of smoke-free restaurants and bars available at Our sponsor, GASP, also publishes a brochure titled "30 Great Reasons to be Smoke-Free" which provides the positive reasons to go smoke-free and "Tips on How to Become Smoke-Free". To request these materials please call 303-444-9799 or return the tear-off section on the bottom of this page.