Testimonials from Restaurant and Bar Owners

Schlotzsky's, Denver: We Save on Insurance Because of our Policy

Schlotzsky's Deli restaurant opened six years ago smoke-free. It made sense and was my preference, and I assumed it was the requirement in Denver. Let’s adopt a smoke-free restaurant ordinance, and make my realistic assumption come true.

We’ve grown well without offering a smoking section, and we only get compliments on our clean, fresh atmosphere. There are other business and civic reasons to be smoke free:

A) Children need protection from the obvious and known risks for smoke, including my son who works here with me.

B) Maintenance is much more economical: cleaner windows, floors, walls and ceiling, as well as less damage to tables, chairs and other parts of the facility.

C) Breathing is hard enough being at a mile high and on a high-traffic street to add smoke to the mix – our health is better because we are smoke free.

D) I believe our fire insurance is the minimum cost because of our policy.

Lynn Lionhardt, Owner

Schlotzsky's, Denver

727 Colorado Blvd, 80206, (303)333-1200